Rehab Specialists Inc. are contracted with the organizations listed below. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive; please check with your health plan to verify coverage.
Please contact the customer service number on the back of your insurance card to confirm your benefits with Rehab Specialists Inc.
You may also contact Rehab Specialists directly and ask to speak to an insurance specialist for more details. We do verify insurance as a courtesy but recommend you also reach out to your insurance. If we are out of network our insurance specialist will be more than happy to help you.
We work with in and out of network insurances. If you have any financial hardship please contact our insurance specialist or management team.
Call us if you do not see your Insurance listed, as the Insurance Market is in constant change and it is entirely possible that we do accept your insurance.
Insurance types accepted at Rehab Specialists Inc.
Veteran’s Administration
Contracted insurance plans
Other insurance types
Non-contracted insurance plans
Uninsured (self-pay) or underinsured patients
You may be considered underinsured if you have a:
- High deductible
- High out of pocket maximum requirement
- Limited benefit plan
- Non contracted insurance plan
Please contact one of our managers at the office to see what we can do to help.
Contracted Insurance Plans
Blue Cross
Screen Actors Guild
Directors Guild of America
Motion Picture
Writers Guild
Blue Shield (depending on policy)
HMO Plans
UCLA Medical Group
Access Medical Group
Axminster Medical Group
Facey Medical Group
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Saint John’s Health Clinic
Cedars-Sinai Medical Group
Cedars-Sinai Health Associates
Prime Healthcare
Other insurance types
Align Network
One Call
Motor vehicle insurance (most accepted)