Sports Injuries and Return to Play
Sports Injuries and Return to Play Injuries can occur in any type of sport. These can be as severe as an ACL tear or tendon rupture or as mild as knee pain.
Such injuries can seem debilitating to your ability to perform.
It is because of this fact that it is important to see a professional who not only knows the healing process but knows what each sport requires. This is where a physical therapist working with your doctor becomes crucial.
Focus on Rehabilitatuon
Your physical therapist will evaluate your individual deficits as well as your role in your sport to promote not only safe return to play but help address any underlying issues that may have made you prone to injury.
If you are postoperative, the therapist will work within your surgeon’s protocol to maximize your ability to return to play.
This all means that whether you are a weekend warrior or a collegiate athlete your physical therapist will utilize manual techniques as well as targeted exercises to get you back to your maximum performance.