Physical Therapy serving the Los Angeles Area

Virtual Reality PT/ OT Treatments

RSI has incorporated the use of a virtual reality treatment for therapeutic management of chronic pain.  

Our VR brings the gold standard neurorehabilitation methods: Graded Motor Imagery (GMI) and Mirror Therapy into a virtual reality treatment for chronic pain.

The VR modules address the following conditions: 

  1. Lower back pain
  2. Post-operative pain
  3. Fibromyalgia
  4. Multiple Sclerosis
  5. Post-CVA pain
  6. complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  7. Phantom limb pain
  8. Post Breast Cancer “Iron Bra Syndrome”

© Rehab Specialists Inc.

© Rehab Specialists Inc.

© Rehab Specialists Inc.

© Rehab Specialists Inc.

Our goal in physical therapy always has been to get the individuals back to function as much as possible. This should help patients recreate the pattern by giving support and allowing the therapist to use neurodynamic resistance and assistance in moving the body forward