Diastasis Recti (aka mommy tummy, aka post-preggo pooch, aka what the heck happened to my stomach?)
Getting asked if you’re having a boy or a girl by the grocery store cashier months after giving birth isn’t fun. As if the pregnancy, delivery, and sleepless fourth trimester wasn’t hard enough! Many first, second, or (God-forbid) tenth-time mommies want to know how they can return their stomach to pre-pregnancy status.
The obnoxiously termed “mommy tummy” has been getting attention on NPR lately. Sadly, the coverage on this issue is often reduced to overly simplified explanations and solutions to a hugely complex and highly individual issue. If you are looking for more in-depth answers, you’ve come to the right place. When a postpartum mommy comes to see me, the very first thing I check for is abdominal separation, otherwise called Diastasis Recti (or DR).
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