Physical Therapy serving the Los Angeles Area

Post-Baby Body Blog Part 4 (Prolapses After Birth)

What is exactly a prolapse?

When we are hear the word “prolapse” we often think worst case scenario – organs falling out, unsightly vaginas, and you can throw the idea of enjoyable sex out the window, right?


If you have been diagnosed with a prolapse recently, this blog is a great overview for what to expect. And most of all don’t worry!

Let’s begin.


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Post-Baby Body Blog Part 3 (Clogged Milk Ducts)

Clogged milk ducts and how physical therapy can help:

Within the first three months of my breastfeeding journey, I had two bouts of mastitis with a fever. Mastitis is more common than you might think – some studies have reported incidence as high as 33% in lactating women. I was able to avoid taking antibiotics on both occasions using self-care techniques, which I will review in this blog. However, sometimes self-care techniques aren’t enough. (Lactating breasts can be very stubborn.)

During this blog, I am going to debunk some well-known assumptions about clogged ducts/mastitis and explain why physical therapy can be an excellent avenue for treatment.


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© Rehab Specialists Inc.

Post-Baby Body Blog Part 2 (Post-Partum Exercise)

Congratulations! You had a baby! 

You grew a human being in your body and then it came out of your body.  You are magnificent and extraordinary.  You are a WARRIOR WOMAN.

So – now you are ready to learn about post-partum exercise.  Hopefully you are aware that jumping right back into your normal pre-baby fitness routine is not recommended.  I’d like to start by telling you my story and then get into some basic rules for safety that can help you return to exercise with confidence.  Finally, I will give you a generic routine that you can start RIGHT NOW (if you want to!) that is safe and vetted by myself and many of my patients.

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Post-Baby Body Blog Part 1 (Diastasis Recti)

Diastasis Recti (aka mommy tummy, aka post-preggo pooch, aka what the heck happened to my stomach?)

Getting asked if you’re having a boy or a girl by the grocery store cashier months after giving birth isn’t fun. As if the pregnancy, delivery, and sleepless fourth trimester wasn’t hard enough! Many first, second, or (God-forbid) tenth-time mommies want to know how they can return their stomach to pre-pregnancy status.

The obnoxiously termed “mommy tummy” has been getting attention on NPR lately. Sadly, the coverage on this issue is often reduced to overly simplified explanations and solutions to a hugely complex and highly individual issue. If you are looking for more in-depth answers, you’ve come to the right place. When a postpartum mommy comes to see me, the very first thing I check for is abdominal separation, otherwise called Diastasis Recti (or DR).


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Sextherapy after Cancer Treatment

Sex after Cancer Treatment

As a physical therapist that specializes in breast cancer, I noticed that once treatment is complete, there are many challenges that remain to resuming “normal life.”  To help address this, I created “#OurTribe,” which is an online community where women share struggles and suggestions. I try to expand on that info through contacting experts, writing blogs and offering products.

As you can imagine, many topics come up in our private #OurTribe Facebook group.  Looking for a good moisturizer during radiation? Post reconstruction bra? We've got that covered.  But when the topic of sex came up...well we were stumped.  One member suggested pole dancing classes, and while we still might try that, I was struck by the general lack of suggestions from these incredibly resourceful women. 

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