Physical Therapy serving the Los Angeles Area

"Training your Brain"

With advances in neuroscience, the concept of brain retraining has come to the forefront. We now know that we are not only treating the area of the problem, but we are also treating the area in brain that sets up signals to the affected area. We have also learned that with retraining the brain to perceive normalization of movement, we are gaining success in helping function and pain.

The BWSS is an often amazing tool to help retrain these patients whether from an infarct in the brain or from the constant insult on the brain from nociceptive pain (pain is caused by damage to body tissue). We can reproduce the pattern of normal gait repetitively with gradual weight bearing with visualization of the motion.

With stroke patients we can repeat the pattern, stride and speed (with and without PT assistance) eliminating the fear of falling.

Neurological Patients that benefit from this system include those diagnosed with balance disorder, stroke, total brain injury, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's disease and, multiple sclerosis.

Orthopedic Patients that benefit from this system include those diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease, acute disc bulge; ankle injuries; hip osteoarthritis and total hip, and total knee replacements.

Pain Patients that benefit from this system include those diagnosed with chronic pain (patients who have had pain for 6 months with little improvement) or complex regional pain syndrome.

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Qur goal in physical therapy always has been to get the individuals back to function as much as possible. This should help patients recreate the pattern by giving support and allowing the therapist to use neurodynamic resistance and assistance in moving the body forward